Wednesday, February 14, 2007

a long time coming...

i know, i'm a slacker - a blog slacker; not like anyone else reads this but me, but still i'm a slacker...but since the last time i've written lots of things have happened - career, home, church...change is inevitable...

i guess around the new year i really started feeling that push in my heart for me to actually find where my passion lies...i've never been one to know what they were going to do for the rest of their life, much less one that didn't get bored of doing the same job or being in one place for a long a way always needing something new can be a terrible weakness; almost like needing the next adrenaline rush...i struggle not so much with contentment (as far as material things go) but in the contentment of my soul and what i should be "doing" for the Lord.
yes, I'm do-er...i have to be constantly moving, striving, planning for that next "thing". In my mind the next "thing" comes in many forms...the Lord has pushed me to another church family out of my own comfort zone, but to a place of acceptance - there are several other "former" ministers that have just recently found this place, a safe place where they can heal and rekindle their purposes...for that i'm truly thankful..

today is valentine's day...for some it's the day that is solely devoted (in theory) to the one we love or have chosen to love...maybe for some to rekindle romance, or for some to just be noticed by a special someone, regardless of whatever level valentine's day may hold, i think that every day should have some aspect of valentine's day in it when we truly embrace how much we are loved by Christ...
i did however read an article last nite that changed my perspective on the whole relationship thing, and role i play in it though ...the author made this statement.. "A woman never marries the man of her dreams; the Lord gives her the special gift of helping the man she marries become the man of his dreams."
What a HUGE responsibility! One that I'm not sure I've ever really been equipped for...
Proverbs 14:1 states "Every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands." every day i have the opportunity to shape my future marriage and my husband's self esteem - by either building it up or tearing it down. i realize now that i must daily recognize the power of influence i have in this life, and all my relationships, by the power He has in my life.

i think that is a purpose even i will never get bored of...i can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for me in that area...