Saturday, July 06, 2013

Living the dream...

My husband called me in the middle of laundry, mopping the floors, washing the dishes, no make-up, still in the pj' know those kind of mornings...and the asked "what ya' doin?"  I replied, "Oh, you know, living the dream..."  He laughed a hearty laugh and when we hung up the phone I had the thought  "how can I be living the dream if I don't know exactly what the dream is?"  I've never written it down...although I have many ideas in my mind.

So my goal this week is to do just that.  Actually write down all those little things that I see in my life as components of that dream, so when that day comes, I can truly say, "I'm living the dream!"

HaPpY NeW yEaR!

my thoughts today reflect mainly on, is this the best person I can be?  I keep asking myself "is the reason I don't have the life I envision because I'm not the person I am suppose to be or the reflection of the person I want to be with?"
If the relationship I have is not what i want it to be, is it because I'm not "enough" of what it takes to bring to that relationship?  hmmm....
If I am not reflecting Christ, how can I expect someone else to reflect what I'm not reflecting?  I guess I can't....have I just settled for "ok"?  Seems that way...but I don't want to my minds eye I see this passionate, caring, fun, adventurous life, but have I not sown those things? Instead there is resentfulness, stress, disappointment...have my expectations let me down?