Saturday, March 20, 2010

i've had enough...

i guess in my heart i've felt this for a long time, but I have just finally succumb to the fact that its my reality....what i thought, was my life was significant, its not, its just a daily continual realization that i really am as invisble as i feel.

at one time i thought i was going to be someone special, in others lives, in a marriage, in work, in everything...daily those false illusions have died, piece by piece until now...all those thing i use to be are just that, used...all the things that i imagined of how i hoped for my life to be are shards of mirror on the floor that have no place but to be swept to into the dust...

all the words spoken, fallen on deaf ears;  the actions, the intentions, the desires now buried;  enslaved to my obligation, my heart has died...this shell only hosts disappointment, unbelief, ugliness...with nothing left to say...and as always, no one that wants to listen...