Saturday, October 31, 2009

turning the corner...

you ever just have one of those feelings that you've turned a corner in your life and things just have a new outlook? you can't really explain it, things just feel different, your outlook is different - new, fresh. this last week has been like that, albeit it started with a rough nite Friday with mom being awake till 6:30 am (thus me also being awake til then) and just when finally dozing off, the doorbell rings for the cable guy at 8:30...well at least the U-verse was up in time to watch Florida beat Georgia in sparkling hi-definition! and thankfully tonite is daylight savings, so i can hopefully regain a little of last night's missed sleep!

so back to turning corners....i'm not sure if i've just become settled, maybe content is a better word, or if the practice of gratitude has just changed my perspective on things, but things are good. i pay attention to more "little" blessings each day, and am thankful that things are taken care of...the house is refinanced, the renters signed two more years on the lease, i was blessed with an amazing free lunch Sunday totally out of the blue (thanks God, I know you had a hand in that!), everyone is well, the bills are paid...

i've started this new thing too, every time i get frustrated with mom or dad, but usually mom, i pray right then and there...the first few times it was every five minutes, but gradually my patience has grown and the frustration level has decreased...amazing how things just don't really matter when we focus on Him.

anyway, i'm looking forward to what is around this corner...i'll keep you all posted!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thanks Pastor Andy...

"I know this can't be an easy season, but I am so very proud of you - even though that is not what you seek. But you're right that it's a season and every season has it's success. I too am a person used to being on the move and I can well imagine that I would be feeling the same way...Do remember that the door is not locked and you are there each day by choice, and its a noble choice you have made which sounds odd in a day when so many people are so self-centered...This is possible and you shouldn't consider it optional - whatever else that might cost. Paul said, "I die daily" and I'm sure you could relate."