Monday, December 31, 2007

i am resolved...

i’ve never been one for new year’s resolutions. you always see people set outrageous goals.
everyone knows it’s not going to happen.
so do i. so do you.
and yet for some reason this year…well i made a list.

i’ve tried to make them quite obtainable, and realistic..
hello, 2008. we should be friends.

  • find that true purpose that has been so elusive for way too long.
  • find a project to plan and organize.
  • plan to go on a REAL vacation.
  • seek out mission trip opportunities.
  • get out debt - finally, completely
  • work out more.
  • drink more water.
  • start that consignment sale that i've wanted to do for many years.
  • walk more.
  • worship more, with total abandonment.
  • read the new testament.
  • pray more.
  • while in conversation, don’t just wait for your turn to talk. listen. use the phrase "tell me" more far more often.
  • kneel more. bow more. value reverence. remember that you’re very, very small.
  • seek humility.
  • live on less. save more.
  • be happy, really happy.
  • be honest with God. very honest. He’ll like that.

Monday, December 17, 2007


yesterday i heard this thought in a sermon:

"from the moment you accept Jesus into your life, the relationship you have with Him is a disruptive one..."

think about it, Jesus, while though He's a healer, a restorer, a reconciler, all those processes take disruption....they take moving us out of comfortable, cozy, safe, and content, into a place sometimes of confrontation, humility, repentance, vulnerability and surrender...

think about the fact that your life is no longer your own (no matter how hard you try to keep it) that is disruptive - to YOUR plans...but His plans are so much greater...and though some days we tilt our heads, and wonder what the plans He has really are, in our deepest hearts we know He is merciful and gracious...and above all, good... i sometimes am disappointed by my own self, what i haven't done that i said i would, my marriage, the ways things have turned out, the things i use to do that are no longer a part of my life, the fact that i'm not really where i thought i would be at this age, the fact that i'm alone, my struggle with some kind of significance...but then i look at where i could have been, the blessings of the opportunities i have had, the people and friends that have touched my life along the way...they were all part of the disruptions that the Lord knew would be in my life, and could be used for His purposes...I would not be who I am today without them...

so, i choose, i choose to have my life disrupted, for His glory; whatever that disruption may be, I know in the long run it is meant for good, for His glory...
"What I'm getting at, friends, is that you should simply keep on doing what you've done from the beginning. When I was living among you, you lived in responsive obedience. Now that I'm separated from you, keep it up. Better yet, redouble your efforts. Be energetic in your life of salvation, reverent and sensitive before God. That energy is God's energy, an energy deep within you, God himself willing and working at what will give him the most pleasure.

Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night so I'll have good cause to be proud of you on the day that Christ returns. You'll be living proof that I didn't go to all this work for nothing." Philippians 2:12-16, the Message Bible

Saturday, December 01, 2007

it's official!

at 3:33 p.m. TODAY!!

I'm 40!!!
Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

do YOU get it?

why is it that some people just "get" Christianity - the sold out, passionate, heart changing part of can some sit for years and years under the same exact teaching or ministry or pastor and grow leaps and bounds in their walk, evident by the fruit in their individual lives and others seem to remain stagnant, unchanged? I know it can't be the Word of God...because they both hear the same word; they both may have different life experiences but what is the factor that makes some press in and sell out and truly live every word and promise from God? this has always baffled me...why do some seem to "get it"? is it their own effort? is it their ability to be transparent? what in our lives to we have to let go of to experience that transformation?

all i know is that i desire to be that person - the one that hears the word, does it and is transformed into His image and likeness...i daily lay down "me" - some days better than others, but regardless i do...

how about you? do you think your desire, or effort is equal to the work the Lord wants to accomplish in your life? I know we aren't to strive, but at the same time we are not to remain complacent...

one of my favorite psalms is 139 - and i love the way the message bible puts verses 1-6:

"God, investigate my life; get all the facts firsthand.

I'm an open book to you; even from a distance, you know what I'm thinking.

You know when I leave and when I get back; I'm never out of your sight.

You know everything I'm going to say before I start the sentence.

I look behind me and you're there, then up ahead and you're there too
- you're reassuring presence, coming and going.

This is too much, too wonderful - I can't take it all in!"

not sure how that relates to "do you get it?"
but it's my blog...rambling is allowed!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


"the difference between
the truth that you know
and the truth that you live
equals the pain that you experience."

-from Craig Groeschel's book Chazown, A Different Way to See Your Life

God put a few passions in your heart. But as long as you deny them and live a lie, you can never live God's purpose for your life. only when what's inside lines up with what's outside can you hope to accomplish what He has called you to do.

"Disturb us, Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves. When our dreams have come true because we dreamed too little. When we arrive safely because we have sailed to close to the shore. Disturb us, Lord." -Sir Francis Drake

Sunday, November 04, 2007


the last few weeks i've struggled with the idea of purpose - and specifically what is my purpose?
today, as i've heard many times in my life the saying "you must live your life intentionally" and for once it struck a chord beyond the mundane - what am i doing every single day that gives my life purpose? what am i doing intentionally to make my life purposeful? it's my choice to have purpose or not...every day...

do i go to work with the intent of reaching someone or the intent of my needs being met?
do i seek out friendships with the intent of honing my gifts or talents or knowledge, and seeing what i can bring to that person, group or event or what they can give me?
do i withhold my heart, and choose not to be as transparent as i should, because i have said to myself that "these aren't my people" and "this place is only temporary" so i guard what could possibly be vulnerable?

yes, the answer is yes to all of these - i have chosen to be miserable and without purpose, for the sake of something more, something better, something else...

i change my choice though, intentionally...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

the appendix...

i scribbled this comment a speaker from Catalyst made, he's a pastor, i so get this, we've all thought it, but i'm so glad that he said it out loud....

"you know I love my church, well, 95% of them...did you ever have one of those people in your church that just confounded you? you tilt your head to the side and just ask 'what part of the body are you anyway? i know, maybe you're the appendix, you don't really do anything, but you might just explode and kill us..."

you can't help but laugh out loud, not to mention have a vivid picture of "that" person in your mind...

today i feel like the appendix though, not really sure what i'm suppose to do, and slightly on the verge of exploding...not in the way i think he implied but an appendix still the same...

i need purpose today...

1 cor 8:3 "the man who loves God is known by God."

that is my true desire - to love God and be known by Him

Sunday, October 07, 2007

my story...

the last few days i've spent immersed in an incredible experience of worship and teaching, called Catalyst...the focus this year was on the word "Reverb" and what effect can one person have on eternity, and what effect can thousands of people united in like purpose can do for the Kingdom of God...

there were so many nuggets of truth that I dare say I'll be writing about them for days but for today i choose a couple specific truths that liberated me from such old religious thinking and bondage that it is foremost on my heart...

i grew up in a good family, attended church but until my junior year of high school never really knew high school boyfriend Jim Turner sat me down in my living room one December evening and walked me through the gospel of salvation and my heart and eyes were opened like never before to the reality of my sinful life and the incredible love, forgiveness and grace of Christ. i accepted Him into my heart that night and that following weekend attended church with Jim where I was instructed to make a public confession of what I had done...I walked to the front of the massive sanctuary and prayed with someone briefly then returned to my seat where i was then instructed i needed to be baptized to make it "official" (ok, maybe that wasn't the exact words but you get the point) then the following weeks i struggled as i listened to message after message of "you need to be saved" when in my heart i was constantly thinking, i already did that, what is next, what now??? i attended a "discipleship" class that instructed me to write down my "testimony" of what God had done in my life...i struggled more because i wasn't one of those people that had this death to life transformation, i had never drank, or smoked, or robbed a bank, i had pretty much been a good person that just didn't know they needed a savior...that just didn't know i was separated from my creator that loved me so much He made a way for me to be with Him for all eternity...

well this weekend one of the speakers, Erwin McManus finally addressed that issue at a personal level to me - he basically said that he knew in a crowd of 11,000 christian leaders that most of us had probably never been a "bad" person, we had probably grown up in good homes with families that loved and nurtured us, and that with all well meaning religious instruction for us to "share our testimony" with others, that it was Ok that if our experience was uniquely our own...God intended it that way...

he also said that God understands our needs far more than we can even understand them ourselves...the followers of Jesus need to have permission to be human again... to just share their story, their own individual story, no formulas, no embellishments, but just our real life from our hearts; have we so distorted our minds and hearts (in the name of religion) that we accept life as it is and not as the life God desires for us?

the human spirit cannot live in falsehood; our souls are designed to live and flourish in the truth...the miracle of my story, my salvation is NOT that I have it all together, far from it, but that I'm broken, and I have struggles and I am human; and all those things are brought together by the Master, and designed for something beautiful, to allow other people to see His beauty in our brokenness and His healing...

Jeremiah 1:4
...before I formed you in the womb I KNEW YOU;
...before you were born I SET YOU APART...

amazing isn't it...i've heard those verses for years but now I get it, really get it...

in my parents eyes I may have been a surprise, but God needed me, I was created for His purpose - He needed me; and I have the very same spirit that raised Christ from the dead residing in me - little ol' me that thought she had no story, no value, nothing to say or to share...

I no longer believe I have nothing to say, but Christ in me does...
I no longer believe that I am not empowered for something greater...but I am empowered for His greatness and glory...
I no longer believe that I am not accountable for my minutes and days and years, but that every second of every day is designed for me to glorify Him...

Monday, October 01, 2007


I think sometimes the hardest part of relationships is being vulnerable...

knowing you can dare trust to share with someone else with your deepest desires, fears, hurts, dreams...i think that it however is an admirable and courageous person that understands the need to be vulnerable with others regardless the personal price; the need to be real; the context of good relational boundaries, vulnerability can lead to freedom; ironic isn't it - what we fear most can also liberate us best...

vulnerability does not come naturally though to most - usually because vulnerability is also the place where our wounds lay fresh, open, broken...healing was designed by God through the vulnerability of our relationships, with our "family" in Christ...let's face it though, we are all messed up; and in God's infinite wisdom He has placed other messed up people in our lives that are meant to minister to our deepest "messes"...maybe because they have already been there, maybe because they are at the same exact place, maybe because they see where we are headed; all i know is that i am grateful for those people, and today i make a conscious choice to allow God to lead me to those people to which I will find growth and healing

Hungry, I come to you for I know you satisfy
I am empty, but I know Your love does not run dry
And so I wait for You, so I wait for You

I'm falling on my knees Offering all of me
Jesus, You're all this heart is living for

Broken, I run to You for Your arms are open wide
I am weary, but I know Your touch restores my life
And so I wait for You , so I wait for You

Kathryn Scott/Vineyard Music

Sunday, September 30, 2007

When I say I'm a Christian...

"A woman's heart should be
so hidden in Christ
that a man should have to
seek Him first to find her."

When I say I'm a Christian...
by Carol Wimmer

When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin'."
I'm whispering "I was lost, now I'm found and forgiven."

When I say... "I am a Christian" I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.

When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.

When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.

When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not claiming to be perfect,

My flaws are far too visible but, God believes I am worth it.

When I say... "I am a Christian" I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.

When I say... "I am a Christian" I'm not holier than thou,

I'm just a simple sinner Who received God's good grace, somehow!

Saturday, September 29, 2007


i have come to the profound conclusion that somewhere between dreams and reality is the actuality of where we exist. not live mind you, but exist...not the place we function on a day to day basis, not the place we fantasize of what we could be or what could have been, but the place where our actual thoughts develop into the actual actions we take...
i know we are composed of a mind, a will and our emotional side has definitely been on overload the last month, doing battle with my own will; my mind has been the rational and sometimes irrational mediator of it all...
i started thinking amongst all this battle about the power of, and in, agreement, that if you have two together it is more powerful than one; i somehow think that applies to our own thinking; if our mind and emotions are in agreement, then our will has to follow; if our will and our mind are in agreement, then likewise our emotions will have to follow; it's those times when the three are all at odds with one another that we need to surrender to the agreement of a friend or even greater the agreement of scripture in that circumstance;
it leads me to remember where it says in Philippians about "what to think on"; the amplified version even says "fix your minds on them"...those things that are true, honorable, lovely pure, gracious, virtuous, many times do I allow my thoughts to run rampant on the what ifs, in life, in relationships, in situations instead of filtering the thoughts on the things that God tells us to think many times does that simple act of relinquishing my thoughts to my emotions or will allow agreement to happen but in a wrong direction?
yes, ultimately we are free to do, to think, to act however we want, but 1 Cor 6 says that our freedom is for Christ and it must be filtered through these 3 things (stella paraphrased version) one, does it glorify Christ? (my freedom is for that purpose alone) two, is it helpful, beneficial to the body of Christ, and three, is it wise for my life? if i take a step back i can answer those questions very simply for every challenge i face, and choice i feel i must's the choosing to agree with God's ways and not mine own where the battle truly lies...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord, and He inclined to me and heard my cry.
He drew me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock, steadying my steps and establishing my goings.
And He has put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God...

Many, O Lord my God, are the wonderful works which You have done, and Your thoughts toward us: no one can compare with You! If I should declare and speak of them, they are too many to be numbered.
Sacrifice and offering You do not desire, nor have You delight in them: You have given me the capacity to hear and obey Your law, a more valuable service than burnt offerings and sin offerings which You do not require.
Psalm 40:1-3; 5-6

we cry to the Lord and He in His mercy leans down to us, but how many times have we thrown up our hands, and are no longer patiently waiting?
our steps are ordered, but how many times do we search out our own rocky paths?
the songs are there too, but how many times do we keep them to ourselves, afraid that our voice doesn't need to be heard?
how many times does HE think about me - Wow, He really does???
we are given the capacity, but how many times do we choose not to use it?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Got CHI?

i ran into some friends from church tonite that coordinate foreign exchange students for this area...they currently have a student living with them that was a former exchange student from China that has graduated and is now back here for college, her name is Zhand or Z for short, and a second one currently staying with them is a high school student from China also that goes by the name Vera- they are both adorable, sweet girls...

i joined them all for dinner tonite at the local chinese restaurant, both girls like to go here since it's the closest to "home cooking" you can get in douglas, ga...

from the moment we sat down, a sweet liitle boy who i later found out his
name is CHI (like chee) adopted me - his mom works there and they too
have only been in the US for a very short time...he grabbed me by the hand at the table and escorted me to the buffet, where he promptly pointed to the yellow and then the red jello, and then a bowl - he doesn't speak a lick of english, but was so adorable, and a child's laughter is so wonderfully universal, and trust me, he could communicate very well by his facial expressions...he did say jello too by the end of the nite!

as i walked to my car to leave, he motioned to me as if to ask "can i come too?" his mom was so sweet to let him know that we would all be back to play with him soon!

what a blessing it was to meet all of these students!
i think i have a new best friend too...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

forever stained...

"pure and undefiled religion
in the sight of the Father is this,
to visit orphans and widows,
in their distress,
and to keep oneself
unstained by the world..." james 1:27

i remember like it was yesterday waking up from my sleeping bag on the hard gym floor...i stepped quietly not to wake anyone else and slipped outside to the steps of the schoolhouse that served as my home part of that summer...i enjoyed the heavy clouds that rested on the mountains that morning, grateful for the cool dampness, the grey-blue haze of the early morning hours, i knew all too soon the temperatures would soar in the low hundreds again, just in time i thought for us to finish the tin roof that day...
i remember most the faces of the children...i remember thinking in my simplistic teenage mind, how could this still be America? i've always heard about conditions like this, but not in my own country, this is the land of privilege, the land of blessing, prosperity and could people exist with no running water, floors of dirt, and walls of newspaper? did these people have the same dreams we all do? did they have the same hurts we had? were they really unlike us at all? i didn't choose to be from a middle class family, they didn't choose poverty; they didn't choose to be left as orphans in a society that values getting over giving; they didn't choose...but you know what, neither did we, but we have within us the power of choice...
that summer in Elkins Branch, West Virginia, a proud town, with a rich history of coal mining, my view of the world became much smaller and at the same time much broader; my view of the fact that as one little 15 year old, i could actually touch some one's life if only for a moment in a real and tangible way became a reality; i had the ability to impact someone just by a simple act of kindness and selflessness, by making a home warmer, safer and drier...on days when i'm "too big for my britches" as my grandpa would say, i keep the photo above of those children that lived in this particular home that summer as a constant reminder that my purpose must constantly focus outward not's hard some days being in the land of the free to keep my eyes on Him and what He has for me to accomplish in this life; saying that however only humbles me, thinking that i haven't know hardship like others we are commanded to minister to. I'm not a great orator, i stumble or get emotional when i try to say something profound or heartfelt; heck, i cry at the end of every episode of extreme home makeover...but i can swing a hammer, hold a paint brush, gather clothes or blankets, i can raise money, i can go and just wrap my arms around a child and in my heart never let them go...i can...more importantly, i will...

more recently my heart has turned back to my desire to minister to the orphans in romania and the former soviet union; it's been an unfulfilled passion on my heart, but not for much longer i pray...even if it's just holding one of them in my arms, i feel i will have touched the heart of God; and that is what i long for expectantly...
while i may remain unstained by the world, as james says, my heart is permanently stained by His love...

below is a short video - please take a moment to view it and ask yourself what you can do - maybe your passion lies else where, that's ok, just take the time, purpose in your heart to do whatever it takes to fulfill that God given passion in your lifetime - i promise you will never regret it...and neither will the people who receive your touch...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Monday, September 10, 2007

is my God big enough?

there are those days like today that I painfully realized the vanity of my own human-ness, the shallowness of my own desires, and the fraility, or the strength of my relationships...

i have to say that the last two days i've learned more about myself than i care to admit...i can't say that i'm proud of either of these lessons... first, i've learned that doing the "right thing" in my eyes, can cause others to resent you, whether it's intent was meant out of true concern for the very life and well-being of a person headed tragically down a path of self-destruction...

second, and most humbling is recognizing that even as a Christian, i have the ability to deceive myself by wrong thinking...thus producing wrong actions, that not only affect or wound me, but others in relationship with me...

it leaves me to ask today just this:

is my God big enough, to open the box that I've placed Him in?
is my God strong enough, to break the chains that lock me in?
is my God patient enough, to hold me till I stand on my own?
is my God great enough, to fill the hole in my heart?
is my God kind enough, to pick me up, and never let me go?
when all is said and done,
and all the tears i have left i have shed,
is my God big enough, to write a story for me, when i've so greatly failed?

was this hurt, this ache, all part of the plan, the process, the scheme?
to show that my God is big enough,
and i'm much, so much, smaller than i seem?

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

burden me...

let's play a game - when i say a word what is the first thing that comes to mind?


do you immediately think of a person, or situation, or heartache?
do you think of others or just yourself?

Nehemiah was the king's cupbearer - and a lot of people don't realize the responsibility and weight that position carried. it would be likened today to a Prime Minister that guides a King or a President. one funny attribute I thought though was that the cupbearer was to always have a smile on his face in the presence of the matter what was going on around, famine, war, you name it, he was suppose to smile. in Nehemiah 1 and 2, we see that the cupbearer literally risked his life because the burden on his heart for God's people was so strong that he didn't smile one day when he was summoned by the King. The King in his graciousness though asked why his countenance was so downcast, and when Nehemiah explained to him his heart hurt for the people because they were dying, the King felt the burden for the people and on Nehemiah's heart and cried, and prayed and fasted for His people.

When was the last time you cried out for the state of anyone? When was the last time that you stepped out of your place of prosperity, (yes, this is America) and truly cried for the lost, the dying, the wounded? When is the last time that you asked the Lord to burden your heart for someone else?

i remember clearly as if it was yesterday that i used to pray a simple prayer that went something like this:
"Lord break my heart with the things that break yours."

i wonder why i ever stopped praying it? was it too much to bear? was i comfortable having my "own" burdens? i can't say for certain...but this i know, tonight i pray this prayer again, and wait expectantly that the Lord ignite a burden in my heart that maybe has fallen victim to self, or selfishness, and that He places a new burden in my heart that brings me to my knees for His people...and please don't ever let my smile be the masking of my heart, but a reflection.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


I used to wish that I could rewrite history
I used to dream that each mistake could be erased
Then I could just pretend
I never knew me back then
I used to pray that You would take this shame away
Hide all the evidence of who I've been
But it's the memory of
The place you brought me from
That keeps me on my knees

And even though I'm free
Heal the wound but leave the scar
A reminder of how merciful You are

I don't take pride in what I bring
But I'll build an altar with
The rubble that You've found me in
And every stone will sing
Of what You can redeem

Heal the wound but leave the scar
A reminder of how merciful You are
I am broken, torn apart
Take the pieces of this heart
And heal the wound but leave the scar

Don't let me forget
Everything You've done for me
Don't let me forget
The beauty in suffering

Heal the wound but leave the scar
A reminder of how merciful You are
I am broken, torn apart
Take the pieces of this heart
And heal the wound but leave the scar

from "Heal the Wound" by Point of Grace

scars - we all have them, some are very visible, physical reminders, some are hidden to the naked eye, some reside in places only seen by our heart...
it was a rainy saturday and i was working on an art project due for my 3rd grade class; i had to finish it before spring break so we could go on vacation. i came from a very crafty family so we were all well versed in the proper use of crafting tools. I was carving something from a piece of balsa wood, with an x-acto knife...i had just put a brand new blade in the knife and had drawn out my plan of where to cut the block...i began the cut and while watching my sister across the table do something on her own project, i looked down and saw a small puddle of blood...shocked i jerked my hand back and the tip of my left fore-finger hung in a way that it just wasn't suppose to; only when i finally looked at it did it begin to throb...the blade had been so sharp that the cut itself i didn't even feel, that is until i took off the pressure of holding the piece of wood...
30 years later i still remember the doctor stitching me back together and still carry the scar and the not no normal shape of the tip of that finger. it doesn't hurt anymore but it always reminds me of the very emotion and feelings that i felt when it happened.

scars are weird like that. they remind you of the wound itself. you may not have thought of an event or a person or a situation for years, then all of a sudden for some reason the scar is brought before us...what do you choose to do with it? do we linger in the pain of that instant, as if we still carry the wound? or do you let the scar be the reminder of where you've been, of what He has carried you through, or of what still may actually be a wound that needs to be healed...

i've been grateful for my scars, the healing of the physical ones, the one on my finger, the one on my forehead, the ones i carry on my legs; but what about the deeper ones that no one else sees - is that really true? are your inner scars hidden from others or do they prevent you from being vulnerable again because you don't want to have to experience the pain that created that scar...

we all do have them, but one thing i've learned about forgiveness and scars is this - we will always carry the scars, but the day we don't allow the memory of them to rule how we live our life is when we know we have truly forgiven the hurt that caused the wound, that caused the scar...

Friday, August 24, 2007

use your weapons...

every once in a while i play this game on my computer called "super collapse II"'s one of those games that's part strategy, part how fast is it humanly possible to click a mouse, where you try to tear down walls of blocks by getting them in groups of three, as the computer continually adds rows of blocks - i know, amazing, huh?

anyway...a few nites ago i was playing and every once in a while there are little "weapons" that pop up and allow special "extras" that help you reach the finish faster...and as i was playing i felt the Lord speak to me "you need to do that too - use your weapons..."

now in the game version you never know when a weapon will pop up, and sometimes you don't know what it's purpose is until you click on it, but it always is for your benefit... in "real life" we have been provided with spiritual weapons that we must choose to use...which are also for our benefit...

one thing i have noticed about the game is that if you choose NOT to use the weapons, you generally lose much more quickly - it seems the same in real's easy (for a while) to fight our own battles, well for some people, we won't name names...but true independence comes not by our own desire to be in control of our circumstances, quite the opposite - utter dependence on God brings freedom...ironic...

2 Corinthians 10:4-6 ...For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds, casting down arguments, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ..."
i'm sure there are other "deep" analogies i could convey from this game - one, is i wonder why you have to have at least 3 blocks - hmmm, vaguely reminiscent of a three fold cord is not easily broken; two, is that you are only competing against yourself, no one else, only you can increase your high score, only you can improve with each game, you have no one else to compare yourself to or to compete against...that's another whole blog in itself; three, when you use the weapons effectively you are rewarded for your actions - in the case of the the game you get cool sound effects and bonus points, in real life, i think most importantly of the heavenly rewards that await us for our faith...

Ephesians 6: 13 - Therefore take up the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all to stand, stand therefore...

Friday, August 17, 2007

you go mom!

haven't we all been there!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

choosing not to fail...

I will have failed if God is named, but not praised,
analyzed but not glorified,
seen but not sought.

- Mark Buchanan, The Holy Wild

Monday, August 13, 2007


i had this incredible revelation last nite - actually yesterday was filled with lots of revelation to me several forms...first there was that "aha" moment that liberated years, if not decades of wrong thinking, then later there were tears, tears of relief, of healing, of recognizing that wounds of the past were real and they really mattered and that's ok (i'll explain more of that later), then peace, then to my utter surprise, the deepest sense of the word...

i'm sure you're thinking by now i have gone off the deep end, i mean i'm even typing this in pink to get my point across, because in my mind romance is pink and chocolate brown, it's candlelight, it's inviting, it's luxurious, it's subdued, it's's precious...

i'm not sure if i'm even qualified to try to convey the feeling that i experienced - let me try this way - have you ever been with someone and just their mere touch made you melt? made you secure? made you wish it would never end? it's almost as if Christ Himself was reaching through that person's body directly to you because He know you needed that touch of a loving, kind Father?

that is the romance i mean...

i've been reading (i know, shocker) a book that i read a couple years back, but never really "got" - maybe it wasn't meant for me to get at that time, maybe it was just to plant the seeds of what i have finally gotten, who knows, but yesterday i picked it up again and that led to the tears part of my wasn't pretty but it sure did feel good...

i think i can honestly say that i haven't felt Jesus' touch like that in so long...but why? i can tell you most simply that it wasn't for a lack of longing but for a lack of inviting. shame is a powerful stronghold - it's crippling emotionally. what was so revealing though was not the fact i experienced shame in areas of my life, but the fact that most of the areas of shame were unfounded at their core. the lies that "you're too much" or "not enough" or "not worth the effort" haunt women daily - every woman...that is a reality, but the simple and beautiful solution is romance - from our precious's those days though that we stop running to Him and start seeking other people, things, loves to fill those places where we truly fail...

you know the old saying "there's a God shaped hole in each of our hearts that only He can fill..." but did you ever think of it the other way? If we are created in His image and likeness, it is only right to conclude that "there is also a chamber in God himself, into which none can enter but the one, the individual that it was designed for. You. You are meant to fill a place in the heart of God no one else and nothing else can fill. He longs for YOU!"

now Zeph. 3:17 has a whole new meaning - He sings over you with delight and longs to dance with you - You are the one that takes His breath away by your beautiful heart, that, against all odds hopes in Him...

"Faithful obedience to God is vital, but it is not all God draws us to. It is not sufficient for our healing, no more than doing the laundry is sufficient for marriage. And it will not be enough in the long run to carry us through...It is holy, fierce passion. Hearts afire."
...For the root of all holiness is Romance...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Growing Up or Growing Old?

there are certain trials in our lives that we all, at one time or another, really don't want to walk would be a much more pleasant experience if we could just go around them, wish them away or in fact never have to face them at all...
today i'm choosing to face one that i've put up on the shelf for a while - i'll let you know later how it goes...this all was instigated by the way at church today...our pastor was talking about the epidemic in american christianity for people to "grow old" in church while never "growing up" in Christ...he coined it as Persistant Infancy Syndrome...
we all know them, people that got saved 20 years ago but have never made it past the new members class, have never discipled, much less ever witnessed to another human being, but yet faithfully attended every service...somehow all along thinking that their very prescence over the years maturity would come...i think at some point in all our lives we could say guilty, but I personally don't do stagnant very well...
the big question though that got me really thinking was this - he challenged us to look back to where we were spiritually just a year ago - and really reflect on have we grown? What about 10 years ago, what about to the day you truly committed your heart and life to Jesus? (in my case that was December of 1983...)
my own answer was a little disheartening - in some areas i can say i have grown and in others i can say i have personally avoided growing in for the mere mortal fact of one likes pain, but healing can only come when we are truthful with ourselves and our shortcomings.
We've all been hurt, damaged, and wounded, ususally by someone in church with all their well meaning intentions...the walls we build not only keep others out and us "safe", but they keep us "in" where we can't be truly seen...why is it so hard to see that vulnerabilty isn't weakness though, it's strength...

at some point i feel like people stopped seeing me, maybe in reality i just stopped letting them...

Lord, I need your strength to show me how to be vulnerable again...

Monday, July 09, 2007


I found this test on my friend's blog - it's really interesting! this is "me" in a cool little colorful graph - take the test and send it to me!

You are a Creator -

Your imagination, confidence, willingness to explore, and appreciation of beauty make you a CREATOR.

You are independent, and you enjoy your self-sufficiency.

Defying convention, you are very innovative, and you have a vivid imagination.

The look of things is important to you, and you have a keen eye for aesthetic beauty in multiple arenas.

You have a strong interest in what is new and exciting—and that includes forging ahead with new ideas, not simply discovering what is already out there.

Your eagerness to seek new and varied experiences leads you into many different situations.

You're not set on one way of doing things, and you are creative when it comes to finding novel solutions to complex problems.

You trust yourself to be innovative and resourceful.

Your confidence allows you to take your general awareness and channel it into creativity.

You are balanced in your approach to problem-solving, not letting your emotions hold you up.

Generally, you believe that you control your life, and that external forces only play a limited role in determining what happens to you.

You are Animated -

You are outgoing, comfortable with others, and up for anything, which makes you ANIMATED.

Some people find crowds and parties exhausting, but not you! You are able to be yourself in many situations.

Sometimes it is hard for you to understand why others feel the way they do, but that doesn't stop you from trusting them or having faith that they are good people.

You know the world is complicated and that there is often more than one side to a story, so you are careful not to make judgments about others too hastily.

You would rather experience the world than sit back and observe it—you are not one to sit on the sidelines.

You are an independent thinker and don't get too worried about how others might perceive you—you are not self-conscious about being the active, engaged person that you are.

Although you have a keen understanding of different people's life circumstances, you occasionally have trouble seeing why people get so upset and emotional about things—they should just lighten up and have fun!

In addition to having faith in the world, you have faith in the people around you—you trust others to do the right thing and to be honest.

Sounds pretty close to me - what do you think???

Take the test yourself: My personalDNA Report

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

39 and a half...

I picked up a book tonite that i had read about 2 years ago that i had asked a friend of mine to bring back to me from a conference he was attending; it was entitiled "nice girls don't change the world"...i've been in this place really the last few months, or maybe even the last year where i don't feel i fit in as far as in a ministry standpoint. when i went graduated form Bible college now a mere 14 years ago (yikes!) i thought I was going to change the world...i guess we all did; i remember hearing the statistic that 70% of all Bible school graduates will go back home, warm a pew it not drop off the face of the planet completely and never accomplish anything for the the Lord. i remember assuredly saying that i would never be one of those.
well as i read through that book i realized i had become a "nice girl" and i'm not changing the world. i listed all the excuses, work, finances, my marriage, my town, my personality...anything i could think of to justify why i'm not...i pondered what is it that makes some people leap from the depths of spiritual shallowness to an impassioned, brazenly open relationship with the Father? is there something i'm just not getting? how is it that just a few years ago i was sure of the vision and purpose for my life and now i couldn't even tell you if i have a vision or purpose?
so i prayed and asked the Lord if there was one significant event that caused this "downward" spiral if you will...He reminded me of two things, one was a specific event, from a younger christian, although in leadership in the church i had been committed to for 6 years at the time. I remember the statement saying that "my giftings didn't have a place in HIS (not meaning the Lord's but meaning his!) ministry, although he appreciated my faithfulness that he didn't think i could be used" what a blow - especially when every day he would call wanting my help...i think it was at that point that what truly happened is i felt unworthy of my calling, unwelcome definitely and above that as if my gifts were inferior because i wasn't the dynamic evangelist he proclaimed himself to be. in retrospect he was 25 years old, and maybe well meaning although i'm not sure how, i was the "more mature" christian who at the time her depth of character was attacked by someone that needed desperately to understand that we are each uniquely gifted and without each valuable gift the entire body does not function to it's fullest ability.
the second event was more of a discipline over time than a single happening - it was allowing the unbelief to change my heart. silently, a little here,a little there over a period of years letting my own thinking to believe that what i am is not of value or worth. even my own thoughts of "my life should have been different" but not choosing to sow the seeds that it needs to change and bear good fruit."
as i got to the end of "nice girls" i read Lynne Hybels proclamation that she doesn't want to be a nice girl, but a good woman, actually she wants to be a dangerous woman - one that "shows up" wholeheartedly, and and joins the battle against whatever opposes the redeeming work of God in our lives and our world... one that doesn't settle for shallow christianity or relationships and one that is unwaivering in her destiny.

once, a much older, wiser woman of the faith asked me one day about my time i spent at my Bible college, a seemingly innocent question you would think, but the way she phrased it has stayed with me to this day...she said "so did you find out how shallow you really were?" my reply of course was a resounding "yes"
i think we need to ask each other that very thing - "so are you really growing deep roots or are you just shallow like the weeds?" but then again, there's always the fruit...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

a long time coming...

i know, i'm a slacker - a blog slacker; not like anyone else reads this but me, but still i'm a slacker...but since the last time i've written lots of things have happened - career, home, church...change is inevitable...

i guess around the new year i really started feeling that push in my heart for me to actually find where my passion lies...i've never been one to know what they were going to do for the rest of their life, much less one that didn't get bored of doing the same job or being in one place for a long a way always needing something new can be a terrible weakness; almost like needing the next adrenaline rush...i struggle not so much with contentment (as far as material things go) but in the contentment of my soul and what i should be "doing" for the Lord.
yes, I'm do-er...i have to be constantly moving, striving, planning for that next "thing". In my mind the next "thing" comes in many forms...the Lord has pushed me to another church family out of my own comfort zone, but to a place of acceptance - there are several other "former" ministers that have just recently found this place, a safe place where they can heal and rekindle their purposes...for that i'm truly thankful..

today is valentine's day...for some it's the day that is solely devoted (in theory) to the one we love or have chosen to love...maybe for some to rekindle romance, or for some to just be noticed by a special someone, regardless of whatever level valentine's day may hold, i think that every day should have some aspect of valentine's day in it when we truly embrace how much we are loved by Christ...
i did however read an article last nite that changed my perspective on the whole relationship thing, and role i play in it though ...the author made this statement.. "A woman never marries the man of her dreams; the Lord gives her the special gift of helping the man she marries become the man of his dreams."
What a HUGE responsibility! One that I'm not sure I've ever really been equipped for...
Proverbs 14:1 states "Every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands." every day i have the opportunity to shape my future marriage and my husband's self esteem - by either building it up or tearing it down. i realize now that i must daily recognize the power of influence i have in this life, and all my relationships, by the power He has in my life.

i think that is a purpose even i will never get bored of...i can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for me in that area...