Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Got CHI?

i ran into some friends from church tonite that coordinate foreign exchange students for this area...they currently have a student living with them that was a former exchange student from China that has graduated and is now back here for college, her name is Zhand or Z for short, and a second one currently staying with them is a high school student from China also that goes by the name Vera- they are both adorable, sweet girls...

i joined them all for dinner tonite at the local chinese restaurant, both girls like to go here since it's the closest to "home cooking" you can get in douglas, ga...

from the moment we sat down, a sweet liitle boy who i later found out his
name is CHI (like chee) adopted me - his mom works there and they too
have only been in the US for a very short time...he grabbed me by the hand at the table and escorted me to the buffet, where he promptly pointed to the yellow and then the red jello, and then a bowl - he doesn't speak a lick of english, but was so adorable, and a child's laughter is so wonderfully universal, and trust me, he could communicate very well by his facial expressions...he did say jello too by the end of the nite!

as i walked to my car to leave, he motioned to me as if to ask "can i come too?" his mom was so sweet to let him know that we would all be back to play with him soon!

what a blessing it was to meet all of these students!
i think i have a new best friend too...

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