Thursday, December 17, 2009

screaming doesn't really help...

you know there comes a point where a good cry or a good scream (with all the windows down over the Dames Point Bridge) really helps...but I think I'm past it....I'm exhausted...everyday every little ounce of life I have left is sucked out of me and very, very rarely is enough put back in to balance out the deficit...I keep saying just hold on, Friday is almost here and 2 days away will really help....

i had no idea when this whole season started it was going to be so hard, i knew it a little but not like this emotional roller coaster.  there are days (most of them) that I ask God when?  when is this going to be over?  I so can't do this anymore...then I feel gulity for asking, which only makes things i being a whiner?  or just a human at the end of her own ability waiting for something to change?  a little of both i'm sure...

i'm sick of all the mundane, disgusting daily little tasks that in some way should seem honorable and me they don't...and trust me I've said it before and I shout it loud - there's a HUGE reason I'm not a nurse...

have mercy on me today Lord...there's only so many more diapers, hankies, tissues, meds., potty runs (you get the idea) I have left in me...