Meet Sophie! I could say she's one of the reasons I haven't blogged in a while, and in fact she is partly but I can't place all the blame on her that's for sure! Guess I just haven't had much to say or share! Sophie joined my family on March 28th, and she is absolutely precious! She is about 75% wolf and 25% husky and has the sweetest temperment! Granted, she is still a puppy, with all the running, biting and chewing, but she has already mastered sitting, lying down and
the all important high five! (we're still working on stay - that's tough when you have so much energy!) She also actually will bring the ball back when I throw it so I think that is marvelous for her age - she just turned 14 weeks yesterday!

The photo on the right was the day I brought her home -wow, she has really grown - she has almost doubled in size in just a month! We're off for our nightly walk - I have definitely found that helps her (and me!) sleep much better!