Monday, September 10, 2007

is my God big enough?

there are those days like today that I painfully realized the vanity of my own human-ness, the shallowness of my own desires, and the fraility, or the strength of my relationships...

i have to say that the last two days i've learned more about myself than i care to admit...i can't say that i'm proud of either of these lessons... first, i've learned that doing the "right thing" in my eyes, can cause others to resent you, whether it's intent was meant out of true concern for the very life and well-being of a person headed tragically down a path of self-destruction...

second, and most humbling is recognizing that even as a Christian, i have the ability to deceive myself by wrong thinking...thus producing wrong actions, that not only affect or wound me, but others in relationship with me...

it leaves me to ask today just this:

is my God big enough, to open the box that I've placed Him in?
is my God strong enough, to break the chains that lock me in?
is my God patient enough, to hold me till I stand on my own?
is my God great enough, to fill the hole in my heart?
is my God kind enough, to pick me up, and never let me go?
when all is said and done,
and all the tears i have left i have shed,
is my God big enough, to write a story for me, when i've so greatly failed?

was this hurt, this ache, all part of the plan, the process, the scheme?
to show that my God is big enough,
and i'm much, so much, smaller than i seem?

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