Wednesday, September 05, 2007

burden me...

let's play a game - when i say a word what is the first thing that comes to mind?


do you immediately think of a person, or situation, or heartache?
do you think of others or just yourself?

Nehemiah was the king's cupbearer - and a lot of people don't realize the responsibility and weight that position carried. it would be likened today to a Prime Minister that guides a King or a President. one funny attribute I thought though was that the cupbearer was to always have a smile on his face in the presence of the matter what was going on around, famine, war, you name it, he was suppose to smile. in Nehemiah 1 and 2, we see that the cupbearer literally risked his life because the burden on his heart for God's people was so strong that he didn't smile one day when he was summoned by the King. The King in his graciousness though asked why his countenance was so downcast, and when Nehemiah explained to him his heart hurt for the people because they were dying, the King felt the burden for the people and on Nehemiah's heart and cried, and prayed and fasted for His people.

When was the last time you cried out for the state of anyone? When was the last time that you stepped out of your place of prosperity, (yes, this is America) and truly cried for the lost, the dying, the wounded? When is the last time that you asked the Lord to burden your heart for someone else?

i remember clearly as if it was yesterday that i used to pray a simple prayer that went something like this:
"Lord break my heart with the things that break yours."

i wonder why i ever stopped praying it? was it too much to bear? was i comfortable having my "own" burdens? i can't say for certain...but this i know, tonight i pray this prayer again, and wait expectantly that the Lord ignite a burden in my heart that maybe has fallen victim to self, or selfishness, and that He places a new burden in my heart that brings me to my knees for His people...and please don't ever let my smile be the masking of my heart, but a reflection.

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