Tuesday, October 07, 2008


most of September has been a blur to me, especially since it's now October 7th and I'm just saying that...on September 16th my sister called me in tears saying dad has to go into the hospital and she needs help taking care of mom. i understood and made some adjustments at work thinking I'd be home in a few days...

well the news came dad would need to be hospitalized 4-6 weeks, and my perspective quickly changed to part fear, part panic, part what am i going to do? mom needs full time care as most of you know from her stroke and for anyone that has been a caregiver full time my heart goes out to you - it's exhausting...compare it to a 120 pound 3 month old - she can't walk, talk, or do those other things by herself...she is however in good health, just impaired physically...

after about 10 days of this my sister and i thought that a nursing facility may be our best option so we researched and found a Christian facility that seemed to be perfect...we told mom, it was horrible...but we took her anyway. on Friday October 3rd...i left the facility physically sick, knowing we had made the worst decision ever and on that Friday nite as I was driving home feeling selfish, and like i had abandoned my own mother, i called Abbie in tears and she agreed it was the wrong choice. I told her to find out what we have to do to discharge her and i would be back Sunday to stay at home with her...

i will be moving in the next few weeks progressively to Jacksonville, to the home i grew up in. Downsizing myself, selling off a bunch of what we won't need for a season and moving into the upstairs of their home till...

it's a huge transition, my boss in GA is wonderfully letting me stay on and work remotely, and i am believing for the peacefulness of the situation, dad to continue to heal quickly and all other things to fall into place, especially for John to find a job he loves and enjoys and is financially rewarding as well, and for our home in Douglas to rent or sell quickly.

i look forward to the prospect of being finally out of debt, although i would have never dreamed it would come like this...

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